Next.js / React Case Study
In this case study, I’ll reveal how we took a single-page dating website from 15,000 daily visitors to an impressive 35,000—more than doubling their organic …
In this case study, I’ll reveal how we took a single-page dating website from 15,000 daily visitors to an impressive 35,000—more than doubling their organic …
React SEO, or Search Engine Optimization for React.js applications, involves optimizing websites built with the React.js library so they can be effectively crawled and indexed …
SPA SEO, or Search Engine Optimization for Single Page Applications, involves optimizing websites built as Single Page Applications so they can be effectively crawled and …
In this article we will discuss how to Simulate Googlebot. We’ll review two similar methods to analyze any site’s performance and search engine optimization with …
For obvious reasons, websites that target medical keywords are put under further scrutiny by Google. If an untrustworthy website is spreading misinformation, Google will likely …
In this case study we are going to showcase how we (well.. mostly me) recovered a content driven website in the jewelry space and even …
Next.js is an alternative to GatsbyJS and is a framework built on React that comes equipped with tooling for server side rendering and static site …
We have discussed in past articles the importance of relying on server-side rendering of your site to improve SEO and improve organic search performance. Largely …
As a seasoned SEO expert with over 10 years of experience, particularly in the realm of JavaScript SEO, I’ve developed a deep understanding of the …
When developing a site with Next.js, it’s important to consider how your robots.txt file will be generated. Just like the sitemap and the metadata tags …