
Hey! I’m Scott! I specialize in growing technology companies who are “stuck” in organic results.

If your company isn’t growing as fast as it should or you can’t seem to get ahead of your competitors, it might be time to give us a shout.

Why not, the first strategy session is free.

For the past 10 years I’ve been cultivating:

  • Test Based SEO – If it doesn’t work, we don’t do it.  Focusing on what gurus suggest is a sure fire way to tank a client campaign. All our SEO methods are developed in house and we ruthfully test SEO strategies everyday. Not advice from some SEO course.
  • Technical SEO – Fixing the technology of websites, one of the few SEOs that truly understands Single Page applications, Javascript  and its implications on organic rankings. 
  • Strategic SEO –  Sorting out your website or applications tech issues is great, but hyper growth is better.  My team and I will put together a plan that takes advantage of organic avenues your competitors completely ignore. 
  • Senior SEO Lead – I personally lead all the technology audits and strategic decisions. I don’t outsource decision making to Jr SEOs or a project manager who has never built a website in their entire life.
  • Transparent SEO – A lot of effort is put into explaining what we are up to, no “trust us” and wait.  
  • Achieving Results within 90 Days – How does my team and I do it? Easy, we only accept projects where we know we can kill it. No if then’s or but’s we don’t accept projects we don’t think we can grow.

Want to know if we can help? Why wait?… Get in touch 

The Results Speak for Themselves

Wondering what fixing javascript rendering errors, internal architecture and generating trust looks like?

Well, this site in the finance niche should give you a pretty good idea:

Why wait, the first strategy session is free.

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Digital Architecture
For Search Engines
Brooklyn, NY 11219
